Thursday, February 24, 2011

So I've been kind of busy lately, so I haven't blogged for a while...

Isn't it funny how you always know that things happen for a reason. But when bad things happen, you are still sad, and when the good things happen you finally look back at the bad things and realize that they were good, just not at the time. If that even makes any sense...
Life is just great. But it is hard. I think everything in my life is trying to teach me patience. Not a fun lesson to learn... But I guess you should learn it eventually.
I heard this saying a couple days ago-- "A wedding ring is something that you'll wear that will always keep you warm." I thought it was cute ;)

I had institute last night and in this class we're studying Teachings of the Living Prophets. We go through a conference talk that was given by an apostle every week. Yesterday we studied Elder Richard G. Scott's talk. My teacher, Bro Perry, had this quote from a different talk by Elder Scott-- "To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with you and that He can accomplish it for your eternal good even though you cannot understand how He can possibly do it. We are like infants in our understanding of eternal matters and their impact on us here in mortality. Yet at times we act as if we knew it all. When you pass through trials for His purposes, as you trust Him, exercise faith in Him, He will help you. That support will generally come step by step, a portion at a time. While you are passing through each phase, the pain and difficulty that come from being enlarged will continue. If all matters were immediately resolved at your first petition, you could not grow. Your Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son love you perfectly. They would not require you to experience a moment more of difficulty than is absolutely needed for your personal benefit or for that of those you love."

Bro Perry knew I wanted this quote before I did.
It reminds me of the story that talks about you being a house and needing a repair. So the 'repair man' comes and starts fixing you up, and he keeps going, and its painful and long, but in the end, He rebuilds you into a mansion. It's a comforting thought to know that we can just live righteously and God will take care of us and when we put our faith in Him, He won't let us down, He'll make sure that we get the repairs we need.

If this post doesn't really make any sense, it's because I started writing it a week ago, and finished it today. And I'm just scatterbrained normally.

There's another talk by Elder Scott called 'Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer'. I've been told its a great talk if you want to know all the possible ways to get an answer to a prayer. So here's the link! Hope you enjoy it.

Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer