Sunday, October 31, 2010


..It's a tricky word. At a party I went to last night, we played a game called psychiatrist. One person goes out of the room, while everyone else decides how they're going to answer that person's questions, or what "disorder" they'll all have. It's a great game. One of the rounds, we all decided that we were going to answer with extreme emotion. It was interesting to see all the different emotions everyone came up with and how they used them.

How come somebody else's emotion can affect us so greatly?

Other people can't 'make' us happy, sad, or angry. We choose that. Yet, when my sister or friend is sad, I tend to be sad, and I'm sure vice versa. Even something as simple as a song, or as complex as another human being, can affect us so profoundly, we can do a 180.

Joy. Sadness. Trust. Disgust. Fear. Anger. Surprise. Anticipation. Optimism. Disappointment. Love. Remorse. Submission. Contempt. Awe. Aggressiveness.

Lately, I've been really emotional. Probably ever since I realized I was graduating high school... I honestly can't wait until I've figured my life and myself out so I won't be so easy to tears, or angry at nothing anymore. I know it's not going to happen anytime soon, even if it does happen. But I do know that no matter what emotion we're feeling, Christ knows that feeling, and he knows how to help us cope. If we just come to Him, we can be helped.

It's not bad to be emotional, I have to tell myself. There are definitely extremes, but you don't want to be extreme with anything anyway.

I just have to figure out how to make my tear ducts not work anymore...

p.s. thank you meagan for taking this picture :)

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